




Date of Birth 27 November 2121 (Nioghi) ditto 27 December 2121 a (Nioghi) 1 January 2231 (Workoh)
Age 19; 17 in fifth novel 18 to 22 19 17 - 18
Height  171 cm (5'7-1/2") ditto  ditto 160 cm (5'3") b
Weight 54 kg (119 lb) 58 kg (128 lb) 54 kg 42 kg (93 lb) b
Measurements  91-55-91 cm (36-21-1/2-36")  sources differ c  same as novels  83-54-79 cm (32-1/2-21-31") b
Blood Type  ?  A+  ?  B
Education  University of Mezuiru (class of 2138)  ditto  ditto  "school of hard knocks" d
Special abilities  "binary clairvoyance" e  clairvoyance? f  implanted biotechnology g  sixth-sense? h

Hobbies and interests
 weapons, martial arts, working on machinery  ditto  ditto  ditto

Favorite food
 ?  anything indulgent i  ?  edible and plenty of it (not a fussy eater)
Beverage of choice (on duty)
 green tea  tea  ?  ?
Alcohol consumption
 bim soda and leave the bottle  various, some restraint  impressive, though probably less than in her teens  beer, wine (when she can get it) in prodigious quantities
Favorite color  ?  ?  ?  red or deep orange, black
Favorite music  ? rock, anything danceable  ?  jazz, ballads
Likes videogames (first-person shooter, of course)  ditto; little luxuries; working on machinery ? videogames; working on machinery
Dislikes  ?
Fears  ? failure; monsters failure; aging failure; the supernatural
 Status of Earth  ex-colonial power  ditto destroyed April 2071 j  believed destroyed in Great Catastrophe of 2163

a Warren uses the date given in David Lewis' translation, The Great Adventures of the Dirty Pair, which is a publication error

b the figure usually given for Kei-Flash's height as 153 cm (5'0") comes from this model sheet (shown below), but she is always seen to have about the same height as Yuri in this version (they are both probably a bit taller in the later episodes) -- she is pretty plainly not standing up straight in this drawing; the weights and other statistics just seem unreasonable for people with their physical strengths, but I have reproduced them here

c the TV episodes use the statistics from the novels, which are also given in the DP Review Book and the Cinema Book; the Animedia episode guide, the Lovely Book, the DP Story Book, and the Daatipea movie program give 85-57-91 cm. (33-1/2-22-1/2-36")

d she regards much of conventional education as impractical nonsense and generally avoided classes

e their paranormal ability only functions when they are together and in physical contact

f we only see it used once...

g starting with Fatal: But Not Serious, there has been an increasing trend toward use of bio- cyber- and nano-technology; the story of their psychic ability is (perhaps) a prank

h there are hints in 'Mission 3' and the Flash novels of a possible psychic ability; there is no question she has a well-honed sense of impending danger

i the claim that 'her favorite food is cheesecake' comes from fannish interpretation of one TV episode, where Kei had to conduct a stake-out in a cake shop; other evidence from the episodes indicate that she generally likes anything high-calorie

j the historical event of the 'Nanoclysm' was introduced in Sim Hell; whether subsequent stories also take place in this same time-thread are not entirely clear, but likely







Date of Birth 18 March 2122 (Youcha)k ditto  ditto; clone - 12 September 2141 l  3 March 2231 (Shack-G)
Age 19; 17 in fifth novel 18 - 22 19 17 - 18
Height 168 cm (5'6") ditto ditto 160 cm b
Weight 51 kg (112 lb) 54 kg (119 lb) 51 kg 40 kg (89 lb) b
Measurements  88-54-90 cm (34-1/2-21-1/2-35-1/2") sources differ m same as novels  85-52-87 cm (33-1/2-20-1/2-34") b
Blood Type  ?  A+  ?  AB
University of Meizuru
(class of 2138)
 ditto  ditto probably completed high school (2247?)
Special abilities "binary clairvoyance" e clairvoyance? f implanted biotechnology g  ?
Hobbies and interests  ?  dating  ?  ikebana, ochayu, cooking cleaning n; dating
Favorite food  ?  ?  ?  snack foods, especially potato chips
Beverage of choice
(on duty)
hot cocoa tea  ?  tea?
Alcohol consumption nurses her drinks ditto occasionally significant, definitely more than in teens wine, cocktails (in impressive quantities, if someone else is buying)
Favorite color  ? light green  ? pink, purple, light green
Favorite music  ? classical (Baroque?)  ? love songs, show tunes
Likes  ? ?  ?  ?
Dislikes / fears  ? crawly things, the dark  ? ugliness, untidiness, crudity; crawly things

k variously given in other print sources as Yocha, Kocha, or Koucha

l an illegal clone of Yuri is made in Fatal: But Not Serious: in the climactic battle, she is fatally wounded and her clone seriously so; she is saved medically by transferring her memories into her salvaged clone

m the TV episodes use the statistics from the novels, which are also given in the DP Review Book and the Cinema Book; the Animedia episode guide, the Lovely Book, the DP Story Book, and the Daatipea movie program give 84-56-90 cm. (33-22-35-1/2")

n in the print notes for the series, flower arrangement, the tea ceremony, cooking and cleaning are noted as the things she says she likes to do; the visible evidence, though, indicates that she probably doesn't devote a lot of time to the domestic arts...